Bankruptcy and debt restructuring

Many clients face a situation where a debtor undergoes liquidation or bankruptcy, its property having been in advance funneled to a subordinated entity. This impedes or even disables debt recovery. 

There are also situations quite to the contrary: where a creditor initiates a groundless bankruptcy procedure in respect of a debtor and endeavours to initiate criminal proceedings against debtor’s officers for an allegedly premeditated bankruptcy, disturbance of compensation of creditor’s losses or for avoidance of satisfaction of accounts payable.

In our portfolio we have a large number of projects involving even non-standard and hard cases, both on the part of creditors (or good faith purchaser of property) and on the part of debtors (debtor’s officers) in courts or in the course of inspections of law enforcement agencies.

Our services

Protection creditors’ interests during bankruptcy proceedings

Debt collection

Implementation of corporate procedures to work with debit debts

Debt collection involving debtor’s liquidation