1. General labour counseling
- On the procedure, recommendations regarding formalization of the beginning, extension and termination of labour relations, including with a head of the company head, representative offices of foreign companies;
- Selection and recommendations taking into account the direction of the client’s business of the optimal work arrangements for employees, including advice on the establishment, transfer, termination of the remote nature of the work;
- On staff changes: transfer, relocation of employees etc.;
- On the provision of labour and social leave, social guarantees;
- On bringing employees to disciplinary and material liability;
- On the methods of building a remuneration system in the company, taking into account the focus of the client’s business.
2. Comprehensive advice on labour law and related fields
- Assistance in termination of labour relations with top managers of companies, representative offices;
- Issues of optimization of personnel capacity: reduction in the number of employees or staff size;
- Change in the essential working conditions of employees;
- Development of approaches, as well as selection of a system of remuneration and bonus payments for employees, the application of flexible remuneration systems, development of employee motivation and incentive systems, introduction of option programs;
- Settlement of labour issues during the change of ownership of the company, during the reorganization of a company or group of companies, including when the reorganization occurs at the level of the parent companies of the group, and labor relations concern employees of the Belarusian structure;
- Assistance in transfer of authority of the executive body under the agreement to the managing organization.
3. Building Relationship “Owner - Hired Manager”
- Legal formalization of control over the hired manager;
- Dismissal of the manager;
- Resolution of conflicts with the manager.
4. Assistance in issues related to HR record management
- Employment agreements (contracts), including with top managers, heads of companies, representative offices of foreign companies, etc.;
- Job (work) descriptions;
- Staffing chart;
- Local legal acts in the field of labour, adaptation of internal corporate and other policies of parent companies;
- Optimal solutions and providing recommendations for improving the personnel work of the company.
5. Human resources documentation audit
- Analysis of the status of documentation on personnel, remuneration in the company;
- Bringing personnel documentation in accordance with the requirements of labor legislation.
6. Specific counseling on labor issues
- Development of the NCA (non-compete agreement) and the NSA (non-solicitation agreement) and advising on their functioning in practice.
- Counseling on the protection of confidential information;
- Development and implementation of a trade secret regime;
- Formalization of the obligation to non-disclosure of trade secrets with employees.
7. Assistance and counseling for clients in relations with foreign employees
- Labour migration;
- Crossing the border in a private car and driving along the roads of the Republic of Belarus;
- Assistance in formalization of the stay of foreign employees and members of their families on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;
- Assistance in the procedure for obtaining a special permit for the right to work in the Republic of Belarus;
- Building labour relations with foreign employees in HTP resident companies;
- Representation of interests in citizenship and migration authorities, other state bodies of the Republic of Belarus.
Experts in the field
Consulting the leading Russian/CIS mobile game developer in a wide range of matters, including organisational management for its Belarusian team, preparation of legal opinions on specific labour law matters and related spheres, etc.
Comprehensive advice on employment matters, develop personnel documentation for an IT company.
Comprehensive advising on building relations with personnel and related issues of employment law.
Creating an R&D centre for Axiom Connected
For a US-based FinTech company. Our lawyers focused on creating an R&D centre in Minsk and current support for the new company in a broad range of legal matters pertaining to corporate, employment and migration law.
Support for the purpose of better structuring of employee relations. Comprehensive advising on employment and related matters, development of staffing documentation for the representative office of Takeda Osteuropa Holding GmbH (Republic of Austria) in the Republic of Belarus.
An IT company vs. former employee
Representation of a major IT company in an employement dispute with former employee.