Helen Mourashko spoke at the Belarusian forum “Broadening the Horizons: investment, finance and development”

As part of the panel discussion “Improvement of “rules of the game” the Head of the corporate practice of REVERA gave a report on the topic “Status and prospects of the Belarusian IT-sector: summarizing research results on legal barriers in IT.”

Helen later shared her impression of the forum: “The event was great ! Good thoughts, smart people, some backstage stories, high-quality networking. It’s a pity that I was not in my section, since my part of the report was more about business, not about the law, but in this case a phrase that “everything is always happening for the better” works pretty good. A very good organization team. My special compliments to Eugene Radionic and Alexey Pikulik”.

Belarusian Forum “Broadening Horizons. Investment. Finance. Development” brought together more than 600 participants from 30 countries, including representatives of the CIS countries, North America, the Persian Gulf, East Asia and the European Union. The participants of the forum were the largest international companies with a worldwide reputation -. CRH, Kastamonu, Merck, Pinvex Fondi, Stadler, Gazprom Transgaz, Pure Energy Intelligence, Turkcel, Sohra, EPAM, EPC, Pöyry, Heineken, Google, etc.

The event was attended by major international investment and financial organizations and foundations, among which are the London and Warsaw stock exchanges, the Bank of New York, AKA Bank, Investment bank Rothschild, Investment Abu Dhabi Fund, Kuwaiti Arab Economic Development Fund (KFAED), the Foundation “Cerberus Capita”, OPEC, BaltCap , European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank, Nordic investment Bank (NIB), Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD), Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), and others.

Organizers of the event - the National Agency of Investment and Privatization, Investment Company UNITER, Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS).