I can assure you that in Belarus there are no other lawyers as experienced as REVERA’s in IT.
1. Entering the HTP
- Analysis of the client's activities for compliance with the HTP regime, consulting on the selection of a business model, audit of agreements for compliance with the types of activities permitted by the HTP;
- Structuring of company’s activity prior to the application for residency within the HTP;
- Consulting on the HTP entering procedure at all stages;
- Consulting on the specifics of working as an HTP resident, existing HTP benefits and possibilities of its application;
- End-to-end preparation of business plans for entering the HTP, financial model development, execution of entire documentation package;
- Assistance in finalization of prepared business plans, their analysis, and preparation of recommendations for amendments, providing recommendations on the execution of documents for applying to the HTP.
2. For current HTP residents
- Advising on the specifics of the transition period in obtaining the Park's resident status and application of the HTP benefits;
- Audit of the company's activities as a HTP resident;
- Analysis of risks of loss of HTP resident status;
- Providing recommendations for completing the reports upon the HTP’s request;
- Audit of annual (financial) statements for HTP;
- Preparation of additional business plans to apply for new types of activities;
- Implementing English law tools under Decree No. 8 "On Development of Digital Economy".
Cryptocurrency platform operator
Turnkey legal support for the establishment of a crypto platform operator in Belarus: from the stage of organization of a legal entity, to joining the HTP and launching crypto exchange activities.
Vizor Games
Сurrent legal support to the company, including: creation and protection of intellectual property, releasing video games, advising on national and international taxation, monitoring registration for Hi-Tech Park residency.
Legal support of the restructuring of a Belarusian company entering the Belarusian Hi-Tech Park, support during admission to Hi-Tech Park.
Game Insight - Alis Games
Supporting acquisition of Alis Games’ Minsk designing studio by Game Insight group, supporting studio’s admission to Hi-Tech Park.
A major developer of software products
REVERA’s team supported client in complying with the Hi-Tech Park regime, carried out a revaluation procedure with respect to new lines of business for HTP residents, and elaborated standard contracts for new lines of business.
Legal support of the registration of the Fibery project (Fibery - a new system for managing companies), including corporate restructuring, registration of relations with institutional investors, support of accession to the HTP.
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