Administrative disputes

Disputes with state authorities are normally regarded as a great challenge. However, if you have to protect yourself, you need a perfectly calibrated action plan that makes provisions for any, even most adverse, developments.

Tax disputes

Customs disputes

Investment disputes

Protection in an administrative proceeding

Appealing against decisions, actions (inaction) of other state authorities

REVERA is renowned in the Belarusian legal market for its strong project development work.

IFLR 1000


Protecting I-Power in a dispute with local authorities

A major company who had concluded an investment agreement with a local executive authority. Our attorneys advised the client on the issues of abrogation of the investment agreement and appealing against non-normative legal acts adopted by local authorities.

Protection of a major retail chain against MART

Protecting client’s rights in appealing a decision of the anti-monopoly regulator acknowledging client’s actions as a violation of the anti-monopoly laws.

Protecting a major retailer

Legal assistance in maintaining client’s position during an inspection carried out by a prosecuting agency due to an industrial accident.

An international freight hauler

Successful representation in an administrative process, resulting in a return of an earlier impounded vehicle without forfeiture.

Protecting a restaurant chain against MART

Advocacy for client at the stage of appealing against court decision on administrative violation due to infringement of rules of a promotional game. Due to our activities, the sum of financial sanctions for the client was effectively diminished.

Administrative protection for a Serbian client

Our attorneys assisted the client in appealing against a consummated resolution in an administrative case.