TOP 10 questions on data protection in CIS countries

Over recent years, the issue of data protection has sparked much more interest in businesses. CIS’s leading law firms have joined their efforts, under the aegis of the Russian ALRUD company, to publish a brochure containing answers to 10 most popular questions in the sphere of personal data protection. 

The following CIS’s law firms were invited as collaborators: REVERA law firm (Belarus), Vasil Kisil & Partners (Ukraine), Aequitas Law Firm (Kazakhstan), BLC Law Office (Georgia).

The brochure offers answers to questions at various levels: from the notion of personal data protection and applicability of local data protection regulations, to special requirements on data protection localisation, direct marketing practices, use of cookie files, disclosure of data protection policies to third parties, and other matters.

Experts note that regulation levels with respect to data protection issues and enforcement thereof vary severely in different jurisdictions. The proposed brochure highlights the existing similarities and differences. 

The material will be helpful to Belarusian companies doing business in CIS countries or cooperating with counterparties from CIS countries, as well as to foreign companies planning to enter the Belarusian market. 

You can download the brochure here:  

Should you have any questions on data protection in Belarus, feel free to address:, 

Warning: Please note that all information in this letter comes from open sources. Neither “ALRUD” law firm, nor the author hereof incur any liability for any consequences of decisions made with reference to this information.