Application Compliance: Why it is needed and what it involves?
- What are the important things to pay attention to?
- Copyright
- Personal data
- Requirements of the trading platforms
- Trademarks
The main purpose of compliance in mobile app development is to ensure that the final product is legally secure, i.e. complies with the law.
To be able to freely attract investment in your project, to develop and sell your finished product without worrying about possible risks and losses for infringement of other people's rights or laws, internal legal control of the entire development process should be ensured.
What are the important things to pay attention to?
Do an audit of open source and other off-the-shelf solutions or materials used, the rights to which are owned by third parties. Check that you have licences and that you are complying with all licensing requirements.
Personal data
You need to develop a personal data processing policy so that it complies with the applicable law. Pay attention to what kind of user data you need, how it should be stored and processed, etc.
It is important to determine in which territory the application is to be distributed in order to ensure compliance with the particular requirements. For example, it is mandatory to comply with the requirements of the GDPR within European countries.
Requirements of the trading platforms
Determine which platforms you plan to sell the app on. Read the rules and check whether all requirements are met.
It is important to remember that stricter rules apply to certain territories, such as trading platforms in China.
Before using the name of your application or other associated names, make sure that such names do not belong to anyone else.
In addition to the basic universal elements of application compliance, specific requirements must also be identified and enforced, depending on the specifics of the jurisdiction, the type of application and many other factors.
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