Revera Consulting Group at the conference “IBA Law Firm Management”

On November 28 in Moscow there was held the annual IBA conference “Law Firm Management”. This is a unique event, importance of which can scarcely be overestimated. If you take part in the conference, you have a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with experience of your colleagues, as well as to obtain some information about latest world trends and make new useful contacts.

Revera Consulting Group could not miss such significant event. The company was represented by Denis Bogdanov, an associate.

The issues discussed at the conference covered almost all important spheres of activities of any large law firm, in particular finance management, work at the international market, employees’ training, problems concerning  turnover of several generations of specialists. There were also discusses such significant points as price formation and trends in organization of tenders for legal services.

Beyond doubt, the conference did a lot of good, there were determined many topics for further discussion within the company. Revera Consulting Group would like to thank the organizers for an interesting event that was held in a really high level.