Projects Page 14
Trademark for LogicLike
REVERA's team secured registration of LogicLike trademark at the national level and promotion of LogicLike trademark internationally.
"Stolle" bakery chain
Legal advising on concluding a franchising agreement with a major bakery chain.
Representation of Samsung in a case involving unconscientious activities of an individual that ahd registered domain and used it to place advertising hyperlinks on web-pages of some online stores. REVERA represented Samsung in a judicial proceeding in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus, with the result that the domain was conferred to the client.
Protecting majority shareholders against CEO's actions
Representation of majority shareholders of a Belarusian company in courts and law enforcement agencies due to CEO’s alienation of exclusive right to trademark. Our dynamic efforts had driven negotiations from the dead-lock and allowed the client to agree upon his withdrawal from the Belarusian business on advantageous terms. We also monitored formalisation of arrangements to settle the corporate conflict, in particular, with respect to alienation of shares and change of CEO.
A leading supplier of control and measuring equipment
We supported the client in a complicated corporate conflict between a company member and an executive authority. We elaborated an action strategy to mitigate consequences of executive authority’s actions.
Advising on structuring personnel relations in the Belarusian office of Ruptela, a telecommunication company focusing on transportation management solutions.
A professional participant of securities market
Appeal of a decision of the Ministry of Finance on termination of license.
A project to fight counterfeit goods in the market of the Republic of Belarus, within the framework of an administrative process. We had been involved in the project right from the start. At first, we carried out a number of sample purchases, in order to establish the fact of sales of counterfeit goods.
After collecting evidential base, we applied to the law enforcement authority, and participated in the investigation together with it. As a result, the entire volume of counterfeit goods was forfeited and the offender was brought to responsibility imposed by law. The rights of intellectual property owner were fully rehabilitated.
A Belarusian dealer of a foreign manufacturer had registered a principal’s trademark in the territory of Belarus. in course of the judicial proceeding, registration of trademark was acknowledged unfair competition. Afterwards, with the participation of REVERA, the client gained the right to the trademark in accordance with an agreement signed by the parties extrajudicially.
REVERA’s lawyers secured equal competitive conditions for client’s business on the part of state institutiotns organising bulk purchases. The project involved judicial proceedings contesting tender results due to violation of competition laws and contesting of actions and decisions of tender board.
"Sosedi" retail chain
Legal support to obtain anti-monopoly regulator’s permit for the purpose of restructuring a group of companies; preparing required documents and representation in the anti-monopoly authority.
A series of M&A transactions for "Sosedi" chain
Comprehensive legal support for a number of transactions aimed at expanding large Belarusian retail chains by way of entire or partial acquisition of standalone retail companies.