Legal support for a major German contractor entering the Belarusian construction market. Comprehensive support for contractor’s construction activities under a mining project (customer’s investments worth over 2 bln USD).
Unibep is a major Polish construction company. In Belarus, Unibep acts as the general contractor in a number of investment projects: construction of Trinity shopping mall in Grodno, construction of a multimodal industrial logistical complex, etc. REVERA advises Unibep on a vast range of issues with respect to construction activities in Belarus.
REVERA helped to reach peaceful settlement of disagreements between the contractor, who, based on the oral instructions of the customer, exceeded the contractual scope of repair works by more than twice, and the customer, who, due to the absence of professional specialists, could not evaluate competently the scope of works performed, their quality and cost, and therefore refused to accept and pay for them.
Supported by REVERA Belarus, a foreign project design company has passed the conformity certification for performing the functions of a general designer in Belarus and drafting chapters of project documentation.
Consulting a pharmaceutical company on all issues related to anti-bribery laws and interaction with medical workers for the purpose of promotion of medicines.
Consulting a pharmaceutical company on all issues of doing business in the Republic of Belarus
Legal support for a major exporter of medicines entering a new market in Eastern Europe, in particular opening of a representative office, advising on employment law and taxation issues.
Production site for PharmTechnologii
REVERA provided all-round support for a major pharmaceutical manufacturer, including several stages of consultation on choosing a site for a large pharmaceutical factory, with concurrent legal due diligence of several real estate units in Belarus.
General contractor contract for Bauer Technics a.s
Preparing a contractor contract with account of FIDIC norms between general contractor (non-resident) and customer (Belarusian resident) for the ‘turn-key’ construction of a livestock farm.
Advising on provisions of legislation regulating turnover of medical goods.
Advising on legislation of the Republic of Belarus on state purchases.
Novo Nordisk
Advising on activities in the Republic of Belarus, in particular on anti-bribery, anti-monopoly and advertising laws.
Consulting a pharmaceutical company on all matters related to anti-bribery laws and interaction with medical workers for the purpose of promotion of medicines.
STADA CIS (NizhPharm)
Advising the subsidiary of STADA on business activities in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, including interaction with pharmacy chains and taxation matters.
Veropharm (Abbott group)
Comprehensive consulting of the subsidiary of the Abbott group on labour laws, including preparation of employment contracts, suites of local acts on labour safety, salary payment in foreign currency and consulting on anti-bribery laws.
Leading Pharmaceutical Corporation
Comprehensive advising on employment law matters, including reduction of staff, elaboration of staffing documentation.
A major Belarusian pharmaceutical company
Establishing unfair competition on the part of a Lithuanian manufacturer of pharmaceuticals in the course of international trademark registration, and its further annulment.
Advising on pricing of pharmaceuticals in the Republic of Belarus.
Advising on participation in tenders for the purpose of purchases of medical equipment in the Republic of Belarus.
A major Belarusian pharmaceutical company
Advising on legislation regulating turnover of pharmaceuticals. Assisting in prolonging operations of a representative office of a pharmaceutical company.
Legal support for the participation of Shire, an Irish pharmaceutical company, in state purchases of pharmaceuticals in the Republic of Belarus, advising on company’s current operations.
Consulting on applying VAT relief to pharmaceutical products imported in the Republic of Belarus, preparing a comprehensive report on taxation of imported pharmaceutical products, consulting on customs regulations, consulting on registering pharmaceutical products, in particular on amending registration certificates.
Consulting on prospective sales of a telemedical doctor-patient service in the Republic of Belarus. As of September 2019, current Belarusian legislation provided no regulation for such activity. However, consulting was provided for a prospective development of telemedical services in Belarus, in particular, by way of pilot projects.
Elaborating a client service model to serve third parties from the medical sector by means of software, including suggesting contract terms and a business concept scheme. Consulting on labour laws, tax laws, consulting on price setting in the service industry, consulting on book-keeping matters.
Consulting on certification/registration of medical equipment imported in Belarus, in particular on certification procedures and imports of products without certification.