The procedure for informing foreign documents
- When should a citizen inform the authorities?
- What is the timeframe for informing?
- Which authority should be contacted?
- What is the order in which the information is provided?
- What documents are provided?
- Is liability for failure to inform established?
On 11 July 2023, amendments to the Law on Citizenship came into force. One of the key innovations is the obligation of citizens of the Republic of Belarus to inform the bodies of internal affairs or the bodies of the diplomatic service about the acquisition of documents of a foreign state, granting the right to benefits and other advantages (e.g. residence permit, "Pole card", etc.).
This document was followed up by the Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 140/10 of 23.06.2023, which establishes the procedure for providing the relevant information.
What you need to know in light of the new regulation - read in our material.
When should a citizen inform the authorities?
The citizen must inform the internal affairs or diplomatic service authorities if:
- acquired citizenship of a foreign country;
- got a residence permit;
- has received another document of a foreign state granting the right to benefits and other advantages.
Informing is carried out both when obtaining a new foreign document and when extending its validity.
Decision No. 140/10 provides what exactly should be understood by the terms "residence permit of a foreign State", "foreign document", "other document of a foreign State granting the right to benefits and other advantages".
What is the timeframe for informing?
The period of informing - within 3 months from the date of receipt of the relevant documents.
If as of 11.07.2023 the documents are received - until 11.10.2023, i.e. within 3 months after the entry into force of amendments to the Law on Citizenship.
Which authority should be contacted?
The internal affairs or diplomatic service authorities should be informed.
The internal affairs bodies should be understood as the citizenship and migration division of the department, internal affairs division of the city, district executive committee (local administration).
The list of diplomatic service bodies of the Republic of Belarus can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
A personal appeal of the applicant is carried out at the applicant's location.
What is the order in which the information is provided?
You can provide information in one of the following ways:
- electronically through the personal cabinet of the OAIS unified portal of electronic services (;
- at the personal address of the applicant:
- by directly applying to the internal affairs or diplomatic service authority at the applicant's location;
- through the unified system of registration and processing of appeals (appeals.bel). If there is no technical possibility to enter the relevant information on foreign documents, it can be sent by e-mail to;
- by submitting a written application.
In the case of a minor, the information shall be submitted by his/her legal representative.
What documents are provided?
When the applicant applies in person, the following shall be provided:
- notification (in the approved form);
- copies of the pages of the foreign document containing the citizen's full name, name, series, number, issue date, expiry date, date and (or) basis of acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state.
When submitting the notification directly to an internal affairs body or a diplomatic service body, an identity document shall be provided in addition, and when applying through a representative - a document confirming his/her authorisation.
Is liability for failure to inform established?
Decision No. 140/10 does not provide for corresponding liability measures. We believe that such measures may be established in the future.
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